Scratch Game
40 mins
Teacher/Student led
95 points
What you need:
Chromebook/Laptop/PC or iPad/Tablet

Balloon Pop Game

This lesson guides students through creating an interactive 'Balloon Pop' game using Scratch. Students will learn how to create and manipulate clones of a sprite, make them appear at random positions, move around the screen, and disappear upon clicking, all while incorporating sound effects.
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    1 - Introduction

    Today, we are going to create a fun and interactive game called 'Balloon Pop'. In this game, you will see colorful balloons floating around the screen. Your task is to pop these balloons by clicking on them.

    The fun part is, the balloons will keep appearing in random positions and they will move around, just like real balloons flying in the sky! This will test your speed and accuracy. So, are you ready to create your own balloon popping game? Let's get started!

    2 - Creating a Scratch project

    Go to the Scratch website and create a new project and delete the cat sprite.

    3 - Adding the balloon

    Open up the sprite library and add in the Balloon1 sprite.

    4 - Creating more balloons

    In this game, we will be making lots of copies of the balloon sprite so we can try and pop them! These copies are called clones. Just like in a cartoon, where a character can make copies of themselves, in Scratch we can make a sprite make copies of itself. This is what the create clone of myself block does. It tells the balloon sprite to make a copy of itself.

    First, let's hide the original balloon sprite and set its size to 50%. To do this, add this code to the balloon sprite.

    when green flag clicked set size to (50) % hide

    Next, we want to keep creating clones every few seconds. To do this, we have to add a forever block to the previous code.

    when green flag clicked set size to (50) % hide forever // add new code under here end

    Inside the forever block, we can add the wait and the create clone blocks. These will handle the creation of clones every few seconds.

    when green flag clicked set size to (50) % hide forever wait(5) seconds create clone of (myself v)

    When you run your code the balloon will disappear because we used the hide block and although there is a new balloon created every 5 seconds, we can't see them yet because we are creating copies of a hidden balloon!

    5 - Make the clones appear

    Now, let's make the balloon copies show up on the screen. They will appear in different places each time.

    First, we need to use a special block called when I start as a clone. This block tells Scratch what to do when a new balloon copy is made.

    We also need to use the show block. This block makes the balloon copy appear on the screen. It's like magic!

    Finally, we use the go to [random position] block. This block tells the balloon copy to go to a different place on the screen each time it appears.

    Add this code to the balloon sprite:

    when I start as a clone go to [random position v] show
    When you run your code, you'll see new balloon copies popping up in different places on the screen. It's like a surprise party!

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    Copyright Notice
    This lesson is copyright of Unauthorised use, copying or distribution is not allowed.

    Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab. It is available for free at
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